World Most Beautiful Faisal Mosque Photos

Faisal Mosque Photos shows human high creativity and reflects the love of past Rulers with Islam.

The inspiration for the construction of the Shah Faisal Mosque was given by the Saudi ruler Shah Faisal bin Abdulaziz during his visit to Islamabad in 1966. An international competition was held in 1969 in which 43 architects from 17 countries submitted their designs. After a four-day discussion, the model submitted by Vedit Daluke of Turkey was selected.

Interests Of International Visitors In Faisal Mosque

Faisal Mosque is world most popular mosque not only in Pakistan but also it is like and important part of visite of international Visitors.It is mostly praised by them and praise Pakistani People for their Love with Islam.And Pakistan is only the country in the history Got independance by the name of Islam.

Design Of Faisal Mosque

 At first the design was criticized for being different from traditional mosque arches and domes. But the beautiful construction of the mosque at the foot of the Margalla hills left all the critics speechless.Below Faisal mosque photos reflects and shows the beautful design of beautiful Masjid.

Faisal Mosque Photos

Architecture Of Faisal Mosque

The architecture of the mosque differs from the long-established South Asian Muslim architecture and in many ways shows a fusion of traditional Arabic, Turkish and Indian architectural styles.

Faisal Mosque Pictures

The mosque covers an area of 5,000 square meters and can accommodate 300,000 worshipers at a time, including the outer enclosure. It is one of the largest mosques in the world and the largest mosque in the subcontinent. The architecture is modern, but at the same time represents traditional Arabic architecture consisting of a large triangular tabernacle and four minarets. Unlike traditional mosque models, it does not have a dome and the tent-like main prayer hall is supported by four minarets. 


What Are Minarets?

Minarets are a reflection of Turkish architecture that are more subtle than a typical minaret. Inside the mosque, there is a large electric chandelier in the center and the famous Pakistani calligrapher Sadiqeen has written Quranic verses through mosaics on the walls, which are great masterpieces of calligraphy. The mosaic begins on the western wall where the word is written in Kufi script.

Faisal Mosque Photos Gallery

Location Of Faisal Mosque

The mosque is located at the end of the Islamabad highway, which offers a beautiful view at the foot of the Margalla Hills at the far end of the city. It is a hub for Islamabad and the city’s most famous Place.It has doubled the beauty of Capital City  Of Pakistan.

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