Beautiful Cap Shawl For Girls of Muslims

Islamic View About Wearing Cap Shawls For Girls specially During Prayer Time.What is View of Muslim Scholars about Cap Shawl For Womens.What is Sadl and Orders regarding Sadl.

Best Cap Shawl For Girls

Common Questions of Cap Shawl For Girls

People normally asked that What do religious scholars and Mufti Sharia Mateen say about the fact that women use cape shawl in addition to sweaters to avoid the cold? A place is made for it, it is covered by folding the arm and some cap shawl for girls is do not have a place to put the arm, it is covered on the shoulders as it is, but both the pelvis are buttoned from the front. Or it is joined by a hook, so what is the ruling on praying without closing such a cape in front ?

Cap Shawl For Girls

Things Make Prayer Makrokh

Preface before the answer, keep in mind the problem that some actions make the prayer invalid, such as speaking, walking, and others make the prayer makruh tahrimi. One of the most forbidden acts is to do sadl. it is forbidden to sadl in the Holy Hadith Mubaraka.   

Jurists View About Sadl

The jurists, while describing the different forms of Sadl, say that such a cloth which is worn, is to be taken without wearing it, such as putting the arms in a jacket or waistcoat, etc on the shoulders. The same cloth without sleeves or chalices, put it on the shoulders or the head and leave it on the shoulders without joining the two pallu, like Chawar Shawl etc.

Sadl In Cap Shawl And Repeat Of Prayer

According to Above Description in question, a cap-shawl in which there is a place to put the arms, placing the same on the shoulders without putting the arms in them will be called “Sidal” and praying with a shawl in this way is a makruh tahrimi and a sin. If you read it, it will be obligatory to repeat the prayer.

Cap Shawl With Folded Arms Is Right

However, if the Cap Shawl For girls is worn with the arm folded, then the prayer will be valid due to the absence of a sadl. Here, it is enough to wear such a shawl with the arms folded, its two sides buttoned from the front, etc.

Special Cap Shawl For Girls

Such a cap shawl which does not have a place to put the arms, but is draped on the shoulders, such a shawl is placed on the shoulders and not connected from the front through a button, hook, etc. The prayer will be Makruh Tahreemi, however, if the two sides are joined by means of a button etc., then this situation will be excluded from the Sidl and the prayer will be valid.

Holy Narration About Sadl

 Prohibition of Civil is proved by Holy Hadith. Thus, in Tirmidhi Sharif (popular book of hadiths) it is narrated from Hazrat Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade sadl in prayer. (Jami al-Tirmidhi, Chapters of Prayer, Chapter Majaa fi Krahiya al-Sadal, Volume 1, page 488, published in Beirut)

Mulla Ali Al-Qari About Sadl

 Allama Mulla Ali Al-Qari, may Allah have mercy on him, while describing the details of Sidl, says that Sidl is to hang the two sides of the cloth without joining them.

Volume 1, page 488, published Beirut)

Sharh-i-Minyah About Sadl

 It is said in Sharh-i-Minyah that Sadl is to put the cloth on one’s shoulder and hang the edge of it on one’s shoulders or chest, and it is also said that Sadl is to put the cloth on one’s head or shoulder in such a way that on his behalf Hang the edge and Fatawi is in Qazi Khan that the Sadl is to put the cloth on one’s head or shoulder and put a boy on both sides of it on one’s chest. And all these cases are of Sadl. And its wisdom (Allah knows best) is to engage the heart in protecting and repairing this garment

 (Murqa’at Al-Mafateeh, Volume 2, Pages 635, 636, Printed in Beirut)

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